Worship with us!
Whoever you are and wherever you are
on life’s journey, you are welcome here!

We are a Proudly Progressive and Thriving Congregation of the United Church of Christ.
We are:
Open & Affirming - We welcome persons of all sexual orientations and gender expressions
Just Peace - We proclaim a public identity as a justice-doing, peace-seeking church
Global Mission - Our vision for ministry embraces the whole of creation, and we seek to connect internationally
Creation Justice - We seek environmental justice through caring for creation and seeking justice for the oppressed
Kids Sunday School Meets during our Worship Service following the “Fresh Word”
Join us on the Patio between the Worship Services for snacks, refreshments, and fellowship!

“Incredibly warm and welcoming progressive church. They welcome all people of all backgrounds and even of all faiths. They exemplify the true values that we should all hold dear throughout our lives. They will help you wherever you are on your path of spirituality.”
-Jonathan Boudreault (Google)
“My kids and I couldn't be happier in this church, we are truly lucky to be a part of this congregation! My kids love going to Sunday school, and the lessons are very hands on. Ms. Lauren and Ms. Myrna offer wonderful discussions. They often talk about nature and caring for our planet and do an array of art projects, decorate pots, plant beautiful flowers, and paint birdhouses. They discuss helping others and being of service, for example, by decorating bags and filling them with food and toiletries for the unhoused population, along with making cards with thoughtful messages in them. The kids love the days when they get to cook or bake with Ms. Martha!
Pastor Sarah's sermons are inspirational and thought provoking. She has the most amazing sermon series. One of my favorites was The Gospel on Broadway. So fun! Which brings me to our amazing choir and choral interns, pianist and musical director. Beautiful and moving music every Sunday!
I love that everyone is free to believe whatever they like. The congregation is open and affirming and highlights social justice. I'd encourage people and especially parents with young children to check it out!”
Victor And Martha R. (Yelp)
“This is a very loving progressive congregation in the middle of Irvine. We are proud of our new settled pastor, Pastor Sarah, whose energy and passion for justice is inspiring. We are known for our quality music program which offers leadership positions for college interns. Our Outreach and Advocates for Peace ministries are very active. All are welcome at IUCC.”
-Connie Jones (Facebook)