IUCC offers a variety of Adult Education programs that cater to the needs and interests of both the congregation and the wider community. These programs aim to promote exploration, study, and reflection, and are designed to support the congregation's progressive Christian vision and mission.

Irvine United Congregational Church is committed to providing Adult Education of depth and variety to meet the diverse needs and interests of our congregation and the wider community.  We offer weekly series and special events that lift up IUCC’s progressive Christian vision and mission.

IUCC is a Still speaking congregation of the United Church of Christ, meaning that we believe God still has a lot more to say.  So our educational programs are designed to encourage exploration, study, and reflection.

No matter where you are on your faith journey, you’re welcome here!  We invite you to bring your own understanding of what it means to be on that journey and join us as we strive boldly to live out our own faith in the world through social justice, enlightening education, enlivening worship, and of course, compassionate community.

  • ·         Adult Sunday School: A variety of 4-8 week topics throughout the year.

    ·         Bible Study: Guided study featuring ample class participation, offered on Tuesday.  Beginners are especially welcome; bring your Bible and your questions!

  • ·         Bread for the Journey:  For young adults, meets for lunch.

    ·         Small Groups (Comma Groups): IUCC’s small-groups program meets monthly (October – April) in homes over a meal for prayer, support, and study.

  • ·         Educational Events with University Synagogue: Joint learning opportunities with our longtime friends at Irvine’s University Synagogue.  Includes our annual pre-Thanksgiving service, a 30-year tradition!

    ·         Guest Speakers: Some of the most exciting, challenging, and inspiring speakers in progressive faith and social justice, including the late Marcus Borg, John Dominic Crossan, Rachel Held Evans, Justin Lee, Sister Helen Prejean, Amy-Jill Levine, and scholars from the Jesus Seminar.