Membership Committee
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Membership Committee

Looking to be of service at IUCC? Learn what it means to be part of the membership committee.

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Legacy Circle
Communications IUCC Communications IUCC

Legacy Circle

Hello fellow church members,

Those of us who are part of the Legacy Circle, with the intention of including IUCC as a beneficiary of our estates, encourage more of you to join our ranks. We’re once again providing a list of frequently asked questions that gives information as to how you can go about leaving a legacy to IUCC (just click on this link:

I hope you will watch a recent Legacy Circle video recorded by our own Administrative Pastor Craig Tyrl. I found it inspiring, and I hope you will too!

With encouraging support,

Duane Vajgrt, FDC Chair

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Child Care Director Opportunity
Communications IUCC Communications IUCC

Child Care Director Opportunity

The Childcare Director will oversee the daily operations of IUCC Early Childhood Center, ensuring a safe, stimulating, and nurturing environment for children. This role involves curriculum development, staff management, regulatory compliance, outreach and marketing, and maintaining positive relationships with families and the community.

Click here for more details

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Are you looking to deepen your involvement at IUCC? Do you want to share your unique gifts and talents? Do you want to help support the mission of our church? It is that time of the year when the nominating committee is recruiting our leadership slate for next year. Members serve in a leadership position for one year beginning in July. It takes a village. We will show you the ropes! If you are interested, please contact Connie Jones.

OPEN POSITIONS: Hospitality Co-Chair, Fellowship Co-Chair, Congregational Care Co-Chair, Admin Board Clerk, Building & Grounds Chair

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Communications IUCC Communications IUCC


Greetings fellow IUCC members,

As the majority of you know, IUCC was the beneficiary of an incredibly generous bequeath earlier this year by our late fellow congregation member, Lynn Carpenter. This bequeath did not happen by accident. It was planned, and thankfully so, given that Lynn was taken prematurely in her retirement years. Not ever knowing what’s around the corner, Lynn’s savvy preparation of a will/trust insured that IUCC received the gift that she intended, leaving an incredible legacy.

For more information regarding our Legacy Circle, click on this link: There you will find an FAQ link and this link to download a confidential bequest intention form

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Can you help?
Communications IUCC Communications IUCC

Can you help?

Bring bagged donations to IUCC From January 7th to February 4th!

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Paperless Giving Statements
Communications IUCC Communications IUCC

Paperless Giving Statements


2023 end-of year giving statements will be sent electronically this year. Please be sure we have your current email. Personal information and giving history can be accessed, edited, and verified through Breeze. Please feel free to call the office if you have questions. If you prefer to receive a hard copy through the US mail, please complete the form accessed below.

I want hard copy! Please click here!

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Sign Up For Coffee Hour
Communications IUCC Communications IUCC

Sign Up For Coffee Hour

2024 Coffee Hour Sign-up Now Available!

Thank you to all the individuals, groups, and leadership who hosted coffee hour in 2023. Despite changes in leadership and set up, things are going smoothly. Anyone can host! If you have never done it before, you will have step-by-step instructions alongside the support of the administration, deacons, and IUCC veterans. There is no need to fear! Individuals, families, small groups, and ministries are encouraged to host coffee hour. To sign-up for hosting, you have three easy options: 1)use the sign-up sheet on Sunday morning at the coffee hour table. 2)sign-up online using the link below. Simply add your contact information on the desired date. 3)email Pastor Craig with the date you wish to host. EASY!

You will always be sent a reminder email and instructions. Without hosts, there will be no coffee hour.

Sign-up to host Coffee Hour HERE!

For more information on hosting coffee hour click HERE!

The basics of hosting coffee hour:

  1. Host ONLY after the 9:30am service.

  2. Provide food and snacks for those attending worship.

  3. Brew the coffee!

  4. Greet people during coffee hour.

  5. Help clean up once the 11:15am service begins.

  6. Go home!

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Register For Sunday School
Communications IUCC Communications IUCC

Register For Sunday School

Beginning November 5th, it's essential to have your child registered to ensure their attendance in Sunday School. Don't delay, register today to secure their spot and provide them with a valuable and enriching learning experience! 📚🙌

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Congregational Care Committee
Communications IUCC Communications IUCC

Congregational Care Committee

Please watch Pastor Craig's video and spend some time in prayer.

Is this a ministry where you can help?

If the answer is yes, please complete the form below:

The Congregational Care Ministry provides temporary support to members of the church community who are ill, grieving, isolated, in order to make real and concrete the love of God in their lives.

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Crochet/Knit Hearts for IUCC
Informational Communications IUCC Informational Communications IUCC

Crochet/Knit Hearts for IUCC

Not everyone can march in a parade or be at a table for a few hours on a weekend. But you can still be part of the effort to inform people about IUCC. One of the best things we can do is give people a tangible connection to IUCC. Here are the instructions for creating a crocheted heart that attaches to a small card with IUCC information.

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