New to IUCC?
We’re so glad that your search brought you to IUCC! We are a vibrant and friendly congregation, and you can count on a warm and caring welcome. IUCC is a progressive Christian church that provides a safe and inclusive haven where you can be loved and valued for who you are. We truly believe what our worship leaders say every Sunday: “Whoever you are and wherever you are on your life journey, you are welcome here.” Our support for the LGBTQ+ community goes back over 30 years, and we strive to broaden and deepen our outreach to others who may be struggling or need support on their faith journey. We are curious, open-minded, and engaged in the social justice issues of the day. We think we can make a difference, and we hope you do too!
Sunday Services
We offer two Sunday services: a Traditional Service at 9:30 a.m. and a Contemporary Service at 11:15 a.m. Adult Sunday School is offered during the 11:15 a.m. service. The traditional service features our amazing Chancel Choir singing wonderful anthems tied to the morning’s theme. The contemporary service is more casual, led by an energetic praise group composed of our choral interns. We welcome you to come as you are and dress according to your personal style.
Sunday services typically include: information about church events, music, prayer, meditation, and a message from the pastor. We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month, and everyone is welcome to partake. Our services are also streamed live on Facebook.
Sunday School & Child Care
Children’s Sunday School and child care are offered at both 9:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. services.
We are a church community that seeks to follow Jesus' teachings about love, a kin-dom of God, and a better world for all. ALL youth and families are welcome! As part of following Jesus' teachings, we embrace: social justice, an intersectional lens, and affirming (embracing) persons of all ages, gender identities & expressions, LGBTQ+ , socioeconomic positions, racial ðnic background, abilities, beliefs, & beyond.
Our Children’s Programs follow Progressive Christian values that focus on God's love and compassion. Activities feature interactive lessons that include roleplay, art, music, discussion, cooking, and more! Our curriculum is adapted from Whirl, Spark, Holy Moly, Shine, and others. Our seasonal traditions include Easter, Summer Bible School and Summer Camp, Trunk or Treat, Advent Workshop, Christmas Pageant, and more.
Our Youth Group offers a loving, fun, and inclusive space for teens to feel safe and explore. We are hoping to start a Confirmation Class for discussion, readings, and trips that will allow youth to learn about Progressive Christianity and other faith traditions as part of a cohort.
Visit our MYP (Ministry with Young People) to register your child for Sunday School!

We would love to get to know you better! Please fill out this form, which goes to our church office and leaders of our Membership Ministry. All information is confidential. If you prefer, you can always provide this information in person on Sunday.
About IUCC
We are a very accepting and eclectic group of people with a wide range of interests, and there is something for everyone here at IUCC! We invite you to explore our website to learn more about everything we have to offer. You can:
Learn about Progressive Christianity, our non-doctrinal approach to faith that encourages followers of Jesus to love their fellow humans through real actions.
Learn about our colorful and interesting History.
Learn about how we became an Open & Affirming Church that welcomes and celebrates members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Learn about how we became a Creation Justice/GreenFaith church, interested in protecting our precious environment.
Learn about how we serve the world through Global Mission.