Irvine United Congregational Church (IUCC) is a proud supporter of inclusive scouting programs that are open, welcoming and safe for everyone.
Our families participate in scouting programs offered by Girl Scouts the of USA (girls age 5-18), Cub Scouts (youth age 5-10) and ScoutsBSA (youth age 10-18) programs.
As an Open and Affirming congregation, our members participated in the Scouting Working Group which resulted in the 2015 memorandum of understanding between the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and the United Church of Christ (UCC). Recently, our members contributed to the 2022 Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion by BSA’s Order of the Arrow.
IUCC has demonstrated its support for scouting in Irvine since the 2013 change in BSA membership policies by serving as a charter organization for Cub Scout Pack 697, ScoutsBSA Troops 602 and 691, and Crew 691. We currently host meetings of the Pack 654 committee (serving boys and girls age 5-10), Troop 691 (serving boys and girls ages 11-17) and the Rancho San Joaquin District (serving volunteer scout leaders of units across Irvine) of the Orange County Council, BSA. Several of our member families are active in their neighborhood Girl Scouts of the USA Troops (serving girls in grades K-12) and BSA Packs, Troops and Crews.
To learn more about Troop 691, Crew 691 (serving boys and girls ages 14-20) or the Rancho San Joaquin District please visit their web sites linked below.
Scout Sunday at IUCC
IUCC is a proud supporter of inclusive scouting programs that are open, welcoming, and safe for everyone.
This year we continued the annual tradition of, "Scout Sunday" where we honored the contributions of Scouts and their dedication to service, leadership, and community. The worship service featured inspiring reflections from Scouts, a special call to worship led by a Girl Scouts, and thoughtful scripture readings by Scouts and members of our congregation.