Make/Update your 2025 Pledge!
(949) 776-3663
Making an annual pledge helps IUCC create an accurate budget that reflects the mission and aspirations of the church.
Your generous support plays a crucial role in sustaining Irvine United Congregational Church.
With your contribution, we can continue spreading love, hope, equality and support throughout our community.
We use Breeze Church Management System to track donations, events, and other important details.
Additional Ways To Donate
PayPal - Transaction fees apply, please try one of the below options if you would like to avoid a transaction fee.
Zelle, Bill Pay, other Banking Apps
Bill Pay works by your bank mailing a check on your behalf to a specific company on a specific day.
Please make sure your checks are payable to:
Irvine United Congregational Church or IUCC
Send ZELLE donations to iucc@iucc.org
Mail to:
4915 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92604
Checks can be mailed, dropped off at the office, or given during offertory. Please do not mail currency.

Please Download this form and email it to iucc@iucc.org or Mail to:
Irvine United Congregational Church
Attn: Church Admin
4915 Alton Pkwy
Irvine, CA 92604
IUCC ‐‐ a place wherever you are on your faith journey you are welcome. A journey that binds us together through all the ages and stages of our lives. A faith journey that resembles a circle ‐‐ no beginning, no end, but rather encircling us with faith and community.
The mission of the Legacy Circle is to contribute to the long‐term financial sustainability of IUCC
through will or trust bequests
designating IUCC as a beneficiary of an IRA, 401(K), annuity or other retirement account
designating IUCC as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy
through other gifts such as cash, marketable securities and marketable real estate