IUCC ‐‐ a place wherever you are on your faith journey you are welcome. A journey that binds us together through all the ages and stages of our lives. A faith journey that resembles a circle ‐‐ no beginning, no end, but rather encircling us with faith and community.
May that circle be unbroken and thus we announce the formation of the IUCC Legacy Circle.
The mission of the Legacy Circle is to contribute to the long‐term financial sustainability of IUCC
through will or trust bequests
designating IUCC as a beneficiary of an IRA, 401(K), annuity or other retirement account
designating IUCC as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy
through other gifts such as cash, marketable securities and marketable real estate
A gift to the IUCC Legacy Circle by members and friends of IUCC will ensure that the goals and dreams of IUCC continue for future generations
What is planned giving?
A planned gift can be made to IUCC through your will or trust, retirement funds, and certain life insurance policy arrangements. Planned gifts are almost always funded from accumulated resources or assets rather than income and are typically planned for during the donor’s lifetime but not actually received until after the donor’s death. Planned giving enables individuals to make sound financial plans that consider their own needs and those of family, as well as commitments to church and charities.
Why are planned gifts important to IUCC?
By including IUCC in your planned giving, your gift will contribute to the long‐term financial sustainability of IUCC for generations to come.
What is the Legacy Circle and how can I join?
Anyone who establishes a legacy gift to IUCC and has completed a Confidential Bequest Intention form is automatically made a member of the IUCC Legacy Circle. It is our means of recognizing your lasting commitment to IUCC. If you wish to be an anonymous member, you may do so. If you have already made a legacy commitment to IUCC in your estate plan, we would love to hear from you so we are able to thank you for your generosity, make you a member of the Legacy Circle, and use the information to assist in our long‐term financial planning.
What types of legacy gifts are currently supported?
The Legacy Circle currently supports these types of legacy gifts, including:
Bequests to IUCC in your will or revocable trust.
Designating IUCC as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), annuity or other retirement account.
Designating IUCC as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy.
Other gifts such as cash, marketable securities and marketable real estate.
A bequest is a provision in your will or revocable trust designating a fixed dollar amount, a percentage of your assets, or the remainder of your estate, be given to IUCC upon settlement of your estate. Most bequests are fully revocable while you are alive. Please consult an attorney with respect to the specific language requirements for your will or trust.
Retirement Plan Beneficiary Designations
You can designate IUCC as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), 403(b) plan, or annuity for a specific amount or a percentage of total assets. Such gifts can save on income and estate taxes. Retirement assets are subject to income taxes when paid out to a taxable entity. In contrast, nonprofit organizations such as IUCC are eligible to receive such assets without facing income tax liability. Common approaches include:
Designating IUCC as a primary beneficiary (1 to 100 percent) of your retirement plan account.
Designating a specific amount to be paid to IUCC before the remainder is directed to family or other individuals.
Designating IUCC as a contingent or secondary beneficiary to receive the balance only if a loved one, such as a primary beneficiary, doesn’t survive you.
Life Insurance Beneficiary Designations
You can designate IUCC as a beneficiary of all or a portion of your life insurance benefits. A traditional life insurance policy (with an accumulated cash value) can be a valuable asset. If the original purpose for the protection no longer applies, such as to educate children now grown or to provide financial security for a spouse now deceased, a life insurance policy can be redirected to help support a charitable cause such as IUCC. To implement your wishes, please contact your life insurance agency or company and complete the needed change‐of‐beneficiary form. You may wish to contact an attorney to ensure you are using the correct language.
Are there any restrictions on the types of gifts I can make?
It is preferred that legacy gifts to IUCC be made without designation or restriction as to the use of the funds. IUCC may not accept gifts that are overly restrictive or difficult to administer. The types of gifts that are acceptable include cash, marketable securities, and marketable real estate. Please note that the Legacy Circle Bequest Intention Form requests that you indicate whether your gift shall be unrestricted or restricted.
How do I make a Legacy Gift to IUCC?
Talk with your advisors and family. Decide on the kind and amount of gift you want to leave to IUCC. Will you leave a set dollar amount or a percentage of certain assets?
Complete the Confidential Bequest Intention Form to let us know what you are considering and whether you need assistance. While IUCC cannot offer financial or tax advice regarding your gift, we will be happy to answer your questions about the different gift types. We also want to be sure IUCC can accept your gift as you want to designate it. We may not be able to accept certain kinds of real property, or funds designated for a very narrow purpose. Of course, your information will be held in strict confidence, depending on your wishes.
Execute your legacy gift by doing one or more of the following:
Work with your attorney to add or change language in your will or revocable trust.
Change your retirement plan and/or life insurance beneficiary forms.
Update the Confidential Bequest Intention form.
Email the form to ……… or
Send the form to Church Administrator, Irvine United Congregational Church, 4915 Alton Parkway, Irvine, CA 92604.
Details on your legacy giving will be kept confidential and will be kept for the church’s record‐keeping only.
We will welcome you as a member of the Legacy Circle! Determine whether or not you want your name to be listed with others or kept confidential. Please note that the form includes a checkbox to designate whether you are willing to have your name published as a member of the Legacy Circle. We recognize members by name only, and do not disclose the amount or nature of your gift. Please notify IUCC if you make future changes or adjustments to your legacy gift.
Upon settlement of your estate, your funds will be given to IUCC according to your wishes, and will serve the needs and activities of IUCC for years to come!
Thank you…for your generosity and commitment to keeping IUCC strong and vital for generations to come!