The Just Peace Church vision is a hallmark of United Church of Christ theological identity. For over two decades, the Just Peace Church pronouncement has inspired a grassroots movement of UCC congregations committed to corporately naming and boldly proclaiming a public identity as a justice-doing, peace-seeking church. The Just Peace pronouncement articulated the UCC position on war and peace distinct from other approaches such as crusade, pacifism, or “just war.” Grounded in UCC polity and covenantal theology, the position focuses attention on alleviating systemic injustice of all types using non-violence and calls us to offer the message, grounded in the hope of reconciliation in Jesus, that “Peace is possible.”
“Without peace, can there be justice? Without justice, can there be peace? Too often, we pursue justice at the expense of peace, and peace at the expense of justice. To conceive peace apart from justice is to compromise the hope that “justice and peace shall embrace” (Ps 85:10). When justice and peace are lacking, or set in opposition, we need to reform our ways. Let us rise, therefore, and work together for peace and justice.”
Social Justice
IUCC has been a voice for social justice since its founding. We stand with the United Church of Christ in supporting marriage rights for everyone and took a stand against California Proposition 8. We are active in the community and respect and welcome all people.
For further reading: An Ecumenical Call to Just Peace
CBS INTERVIEW with the Rev. Dr. Paul Tellstrom 09/08/2010
ABC NEWS REPORT on Blessing of the Qur’an 09/12/2010