IUCC is a Congregational Church.
True to their name, congregational churches are governed by the congregation, not by the pastor or any other single individual. This means that while our decisions can be a bit convoluted and time-consuming, everyone has a voice in what happens. We talk things through and listen to one another’s views. That’s really important to us! A congregational church is governed from “the ground up” rather than from “the top down.” While the individual churches are part of a specific denomination (in our case, the United Church of Christ), each congregation is autonomous and manages its own affairs.
Structure: There are six officers of the church: Moderator; Chair of the Administration Board; Clerk of the Administration Board; Treasurer; Chair of the Ministries Board; and Clerk of the Ministries Board. Leadership roles are divided between the Administration Board and the Ministries Board:
The Administration Board conducts the business of the church between Congregational Meetings. It is composed of seven voting members: the Moderator; the Administration Board Chair; the Treasurer; the Administration Board Clerk; and three Congregational Representatives. The following committee chairs report to the board but do not have a vote: Child Care; Building & Grounds; Fund Development; Human Relations; Bylaws, Policies & Procedures; and Technology. The Administration Board is responsible for preparing the budget, planning, monitoring income and expenses, hiring and terminating staff; and reviewing and approving policies and procedures for the Childcare Center. The Administration Board meets the third Monday night of each month.
The Ministries Board is responsible for implementing the mission and vision of the church. Its members work with one another and with the pastoral staff to implement the following ministries: Adult Programs, Advocates for Peace & Justice, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; Deacons; Hospitality; Fellowship; Ministry with Young People (MYP); Communications; Worship; Music; Congregational Care; Membership; and Stephen Ministry. The Ministries Board meets the second Monday night of each month.
Coordinating Council: Our bylaws provide for a Coordinating Council composed of the Pastor, the Administration Board Chair, and the Ministries Board Chair. The Coordinating Council meets on a regular basis to insure that each board knows what the other is doing so there is good communication between them and no misunderstanding arise.
Congregational Meetings: At IUCC, we have two congregational meetings each year: a Winter Congregational Meeting in January to approve the budget, and a Spring Congregational Meeting in May to elect new leaders and hear reports. In the months just prior to the May meeting, the Nominating Committee invites prospective leaders to join a slate that is voted on by the entire membership. Any member may nominate someone not on the slate from the floor before the vote is taken. Leaders are elected for one year and may serve up to five years in that position before being termed out. All elected leaders must be members of the church.
How we choose a pastor: When there is a vacancy for the Senior Pastor, the congregation votes to elect a Pastoral Search Committee (PSC) who create a Church Profile, vet prospective candidates, and interview those who are best qualified. The PSC recommends a final candidate first to the Administration Board and then to the entire congregation for ultimate approval.