The Rev. Dr. Sarah Halverson-Cano
Senior Pastor
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday
Hours vary due to meetings and events
Visit IUCC to experience Pastor Sarah’s commitment to Progressive Christianity. She is a gifted preacher who is devoted to the social justice causes we hold dear, and she has wonderful leadership talents. She is dedicated to racial and ethnic diversity and inclusion.
Pastor Sarah first came to IUCC at the age of nine (about 34 years ago). She arrived with her family, and they quickly became involved in the life of the church. Sarah participated in the youth group and emerged as a leader. She served as our Sunday School Coordinator/Youth Group Director from 1999-2005.
Pastor Sarah went on to earn a B.A. in Religion and English Literature from Chapman University in Orange, a Master’s degree in Divinity from Claremont University, and a Doctorate in Ministry from Chicago Theological Seminary.
Even though she’s been away from IUCC for some time (serving first as Associate Pastor at United Church of the Valley in Murrieta, and then as Pastor at Fairview Community Church in Costa Mesa for 14 years), Pastor Sarah has been back for special occasions. She was ordained at IUCC 15 years ago and says, “It was so special that IUCC choir sang a beautiful Lakota song and I had two bell choirs!”
She spoke at the 25th anniversary of our Open & Affirming Celebration on Feb. 28, 2016. Here’s what she said at the time: “Decades ago, my mother made a decision to bring her children to IUCC, and it changed the course of my life. In 1991, I became a member. I was in the second group of kids to be confirmed at IUCC. The first vote I took as a voting member was for us to become an Open & Affirming church. I am rooted in the soil of the people of this church. I was raised by this village.”
Pastor Sarah is a well-known and well respected leader in the local religious community. For six years, she served on the board of the Southern California ACLU. For several years, she served on the board of Progressive Christians Uniting and The Center for Progressive Christianity. She chaired the Orange County Chapter of Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE) for nearly a decade, sat on the CLUE California Board, and continues to serve on the board of CLUE. She has served on the board of the Newport-Mesa-Irvine Interfaith Council from 2006-present and is currently the president of the organization. She has long been an LGBTQ activist and advocate for social justice.
Pastor Sarah comes to IUCC with glowing references from community leaders:
Rabbi Stephen Einstein: “She walks with workers managing unfair labor practices, with immigrants who face deportation, and with every religious, racial, and ethnic group that suffers discrimination. She has been a leader in fighting for the rights of LGVTQ folks … She preaches with eloquence, she teaches with passion, and she counsels with a caring heart.”
Farrah Khan, Irvine City Councilmember: “Rev. Sarah has been a strong voice for the community through her civic engagement. She cares about issues important to residents and is willing to work to ensure that a faith perspective is heard while being mindful of the separation of church and state. I have witnessed her ability to eloquently share her passion for affordable housing, homelessness, sanctuary cities, and economic justice at city council meetings in Costa Mesa and Anaheim. She would be a welcome voice at the Irvine City Council.”
Ada Briceno, Unite Here Local 11: “She provides hope, comfort and inspiration to empower us with the word of God. She is a friend to hotel workers and stands with working families throughout all of the county…. We need more pastors like her and more opportunities to see women in leadership. She is an excellent leader, a kind and loving pastor, a fearless warrior for social justice, and an inspiration to our community.”
Hussam Ayloush, Executive Director, Greater Los Angeles Area Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR): “Time and time again, Rev. Halverson-Cano has been there for the Muslim Community and all other marginalized communities. Whenever there is a threat to our community she is there…. She is well spoken, an excellent writer, and has a way of connecting to people. She is intelligent, courageous, and genuine. Her dynamic personality and inclusive teaching style draw us in and keep us connected.”
Pastor Sarah is excited to return to IUCC. “One of the draws for IUCC is your strong leadership,” she says. “I love to uplift people – to empower them to share the vision. To me, you’re a blessing. You’ve demonstrated that you want to make a difference and follow Jesus into our communities.”
Pastor Sarah and her husband Markyce have a daughter and a son. IUCC is thrilled to welcome them into our church family and looks forward to seeing her in action.
About the author: Tricia Aynes became the moderator of IUCC on July 1.

Craig Tyrl, MA, MFA
Administrative Pastor
Pastor Craig earned his bachelor’s degree at Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, where he studied Philosophy. He went on to receive a Masters in Theology from Villanova University and later a Masters of Fine Arts from California State University Fullerton, where he has taught theater since 2011.
Answering the challenge to “be the change” he wished to see in the world and in our church, Craig stepped up to deepen his commitment to IUCC and to listen to a call that has been pulling on his heart for over 25 years and decided to pursue a ministry position with us.
At IUCC Pastor Craig leads our technology ministry and oversees our administrative office and facility. He coordinates the IUCC calendar and assists ministry leaders and Pastor Sarah. Have a question about church? Craig probably knows the answer!
When he’s not at IUCC he is teaching theater at Cal State Fullerton or volunteering at the Wayward Artist where his passion led him to create a small theater in Santa Ana and he continues to lead, direct, and help it succeed.

Rachel Crawford, M.Div.
Pastor, Ministry with Young People
Pastor Rachel leads our Ministry with Young People working with our staff, volunteers and most importantly: our young people!
Pastor Rachel grew up in Orange County and knows our community well. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies and Christian Ministries from George Fox University and a Masters of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary. She has a passion for Youth ministry and is committed to a career in this specialized field. She believes it is important to provide safe spaces for young people to grow in a progressive setting where everyone is included. She can’t wait to meet you and your families!

Connie Jones - Moderator
The moderator is the lay-head of the church elected by the congregation to work with the senior pastor and our staff along with the lay leaders of the church as we live into our vision to be an inclusive progressive Christian Church in Orange County. Connie is excited to serve in this role and look out for the well-being of IUCC while working with leadership and representing our congregation.
She has lived in Southern California all her life and graduated from Corona del Mar High School, UC Irvine (charter class), B.A. Music and Occidental College, M.A. Music. Initially, Connie joined IUCC in 2006 to sing in our outstanding chancel choir. She’s served as chair of the Music Ministry and search committees for new choral directors and is also the choir librarian.
Stepping outside of music, I served on the Pastoral Search Committee for our new settled pastor. She served as the co-chair of the Fund Development Committee and was selected to be on the Pastoral Relations Committee. She’s so thankful to be a part of this loving church family and welcomes you to join us on this journey! She hopes you’ll find a ministry at IUCC that will touch your heart!

Christopher Peterson - Director of Music
Dr. Peterson has been the Director of Music at Irvine UCC since 2018. He brings an extensive background in music as a choral director, educator and performer. His passion for music is coupled by his passion for people. He not only brings a level of expertise to our choir, but he brings his heart. Chris’ creativity, breadth of music, and willingness to try new ways to do church make him the perfect director for our creative progressive community.
Dr. P. is a teacher, conductor, choral clinician, author, editor, and choral arranger of music and books published in the United States and around the world. In his over thirty years as a music educator Chris has taught in elementary, middle school, high school, church, community, festival, and collegiate settings. He earned the Bachelor of Science in Music Education from the University of Southern Maine in choral and instrumental music education and taught music for nine years in the public schools of Maine. He earned the Master of Music in Choral Conducting degree at the University of Maine, and the Doctor of Philosophy in Music Education and Choral Conducting at Florida State University.
At CSUF he trains and mentors undergraduate and graduate choral music educators and conductors and directs the Concert Choir and the Singing Titans Chorus. In May of 2019 he was honored as the University-wide recipient of the CSUF Carol Barnes Award for Excellence in Teaching. He has served as State Choral Representative and Southern Section President for the California Music Educators Association (CMEA), as well as the Western Division Representative for the National Association for Music Education’s (NAfME) Council for Choral Education. He has also served the California Choral Directors Association in various offices, including CCDA President since 2021. His collegiate textbook “RESONANCE: The ART of the Choral Music Educator” is published by Pavane and is being used across the United States to train future choral music teachers and conductors.
He has been invited to teach, judge, and conduct choirs in more than thirty US states, five Canadian Provinces, and nine countries including China, England, Sweden, Japan, Germany, New Zealand, and Holland, and has conducted All-State Choirs across the nation including Maine, North Carolina, Oregon, Wisconsin, and California. His “hobby” for many decades has been enjoying singing barbershop harmony, and he is a BHS District Quartet Champion baritone, a top-5 medalist chorus director, and a four-time gold medalist with the Masters of Harmony, nine- time International Men’s Chorus Champions of the Barbershop Harmony Society.

Yuyoung Jeong - Pianist
YuYoung joined our music staff as a Collaborative Pianist in 2020. Her family moved from South Korea to Orange County when she was in sixth grade. She began her musical studies at the age of eight and has excelled ever since. She has earned both a Bachelors of Music and Masters of Music degrees at California State University at Fullerton. Recently, she just finished her Collaborative Pianist degree at CSUF where she had to demonstrate an excellence in performing as a soloist, performing as an accompanist, ability to sight read, improvise and transpose.
She came to IUCC because she wanted to work with Dr. Christopher Peterson. Her playing graces our sanctuary for our weekly services. weddings, memorial services and special occasions. She is a true gift to IUCC with her amazing talent.

Dustin Nguyen - Youth Coordinator
Dustin Nguyen is our Youth Coordinator who works in our Ministry with Young People leading our Junior Youth Group (ages 8-11), youth group (junior high and senior high) and our young adults. Prior to working at IUCC Dustin served at a local Episcopal church. He long admired IUCC as a beacon of progressive Christianity in Orange County and is ecstatic to be a part of a justice-seeking community.
In addition to working with our Ministry with Young People, Dustin is a member of IUCC who has become active in the Pacific-Islander Asian American Ministry of the United Church of Christ and is a member of IUCC’s Advocates for Peace and Justice.
Outside of church, Dustin is a professional actor for stage, camera, and voiceover. He performed in “Colonialism is Terrible, But Pho is Delicious” at the Chance Theater in Anaheim, and the Orange Curtain Review nominated him for Best Featured Actor.
Dustin brings his creativity to IUCC through music, dance, and leading our Fresh Word kids time each Sunday morning.
Hear Dustin Preach: Article about Dustin: