Legacy Circle

Hello fellow church members,

I hope you’ve had a good start to summer. I am very hopeful that there were some who took advantage of the free seminar series on It’s Your Money and Your Estate that the Fund Development Committee has recommended for the last two years. I would truly appreciate it if you contacted me with feedback about this very informative series.

Those of us who are part of the Legacy Circle, with the intention of including IUCC as a beneficiary of our estates, encourage more of you to join our ranks. We’re once again providing a list of frequently asked questions that gives information as to how you can go about leaving a legacy to IUCC (just click on this link: https://iucc.org/legacy-circle).

For those who don’t yet have their estates codified with a will/trust, we strongly encourage you to do that at your earliest opportunity to ensure that your wishes are carried out as you desire. As one procrastinator to another, if not already done, you definitely need to get it on your TO DO list. Thankfully, that’s one thing checked off my TO DO list. Get it checked off yours! Your loved ones will be glad that you did.

I hope you will watch a recent Legacy Circle video recorded by our own Administrative Pastor Craig Tyrl. I found it inspiring, and I hope you will too!

With encouraging support,

Duane Vajgrt, FDC Chair


Membership Committee


Child Care Director Opportunity