The Congregational Care Ministry provides care and support to members of the congregation during difficult and challenging events in their lives. This may include something small like a greeting card to let them know we are thinking of them, praying for them, or short-term assistance with meals or rides.

The Congregational Care Ministry provides temporary support to members of the church community who are ill, grieving, isolated, in order to make real and concrete the love of God in their lives.  Support can include:

·         Inclusion on the weekly prayer chain

·         Greeting cards, emails, or phone calls to check in to assure them they are being thought of

·         Help with meals on a temporary basis during illness

·         Help with a memorial reception at the church when requested by the family of a deceased congregant

·         Visits at home or in the hospital

·         Transportation to church on Sundays for those unable to drive, or help with transportation for appointments on a temporary basis

·         Provision of a handmade “prayer shawl” to provide concrete comfort and a display of love and concern during stressful events

·         The Ministry also reaches out to community members who stop by the church looking for help by providing gift cards for gas or meals

Members of the Ministry can be contacted directly or through the church office.