Join the IUCC Women’s Fellowship for a matinee performance of the musical play, “In the Green,” at 2 p.m. Sunday, April 16, at the Wayward Artist Theatre. Tickets are $25, a special price for IUCC women. RVSP to by Wednesday, April 12. Payment is due by the day of the performance; either by Zelle or a check made payable to IUCC with “IUCC women” in the memo line. Checks can be sent or brought to the church office or placed in the offering plate at worship.
Car pooling will be available from the church. Meet in the parking lot at 1pm.
“In the Green,” written by Grace McClean, directed by Anna Miles, with musical direction by Diane King Van, is the story of Hildegard von Bingen, a medieval saint, healer, visionary, exorcist and composer. She was locked in a cloister’s cell after demonstrating a preternatural sensitivity to the world around her. Sequestered with her is Jutta, a woman who rejects brokenness as she seeks to recover a whole self after deepest trauma. Under Jutta’s guidance, Hildegard attempts to reassemble her own fragmented self. “In the Green” is a musical unlike any you’ve seen, an astonishingly sonically sophisticated saga of two exceptional women broken by the world and their journey of healing that changed history.