July 2023 Newsletter
Newsletter Communications IUCC Newsletter Communications IUCC

July 2023 Newsletter

There wasn't much gloom in our June! Pride month was filled with Rainbows! --Though it did take a while to finally see the sun! No matter --the sun was shining among us!

June was packed with fabulous events like our Ministries Fair, OC Pride, IUCC’s Pride Sunday, and MYP’s Bowling Night, our first Pastor's Potluck of the summer, and the amazing choir concert. Check out all the colorful photos in July’s newsletter!

Then make sure you’ve calendared all the upcoming events! Don't miss out on another Pastor Potluck, 80's Bingo with Cucu Chanel, our Leadership Retreat, or our Summer Spirit Day! Oh, and our new summer series "Animated Faith" begins on July 9!

That isn’t all that is exciting about this summer! Did you know that the ECC is getting its own website? Read all about it in the July newsletter! IUCC is on the move with lots of fun events on the horizon!

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2022/2023 Newsletters

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June 2023 Newsletter
Newsletter Communications IUCC Newsletter Communications IUCC

June 2023 Newsletter

How packed was May? Well, a pastor and a rabbi walked into a bar? We hosted an an Alzheimer event for those coping with the disease as well as a a forum on anti-hate against Asians. We elected new leaders at our Spring Congregational Meeting. Of course, who could forget pancakes for Pentecost. It’s all in our fabulous newsletter.

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2022/2023 Newsletters

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April 2023 Newsletter
Newsletter Communications IUCC Newsletter Communications IUCC

April 2023 Newsletter

Hosanna in the highest! Our Lenten journey arrives this Easter Sunday. We began on Ash Wednesday, remembering from the Earth we came and to the Earth we return. We've explored the four agreements in hopes of strengthening our covenant of the heart. Holy week has begun, and we remember the passion narrative on Maundy Thursday at 7:00pm. This Sunday, we proclaim the risen Christ! So much happened last month that we're sure you'll want to review the pleasant memories. Missed what's happening? No need to fear, the April newsletter is hot of the press.

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2023/2022 Newsletters

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